Today was almost smooth sailing, learning about list row swipe actions and local/scheduled notifications, but I ran into issues with the directions for adding Swift package dependencies in Xcode.

I wrote up the issue and my fix in this issue: Day 81: No such module 'SamplePackage' #100DaysOfSwiftUI

Xcode error panel shows five issues in the HotProspects project. A red error states, “No such module SamplePackage” in Day81.swift. Four gray errors indicate missing files like HotProspects.abi.json, swiftmodule, and related outputs in the derived data folder.The Xcode Build Phases screen is open for the HotProspects project. It lists project phases like Target Dependencies, Compile Sources with five items, and Link Binary With Libraries, which includes a single required package named SamplePackage.

Chasen @chasen