Day 68 has been some of the most interesting content (from a language-learning perspective) in a while.

First, yes the method is just called <, which is the “less than” operator. It’s the job of the method to decide whether one user is “less than” (in a sorting sense) another, so we’re adding functionality to an existing operator. This is called operator overloading, and it can be both a blessing and a curse.

I don’t think I’ve ever worked in a language with operator overloading and it definitely makes me nervous about maintainability. #100DaysOfSwiftUI

The iOS Simulator displays a screen with a list of names in alphabetical order: Kochanski Kristine, Lister David, and Rimmer Arnold. Below the list, a button labeled “Read and Write” is shown, with the word “Loading…” below it.
Chasen @chasen